Level Up
For years South Africans feared a downgrade but in these twisted times the nation has never been happier to be downgraded to level 3. As we move forward it is time to consider levelling up your career.
“Pleasure in the job puts perfection in the work” -Aristotle

Applications for the 2021 GIBS MBA (manufacturing focus) are open!
The GIBS MBA is a world class qualification for Africa’s leaders. Combining the expertise of GIBS, Africa’s highest ranked business school, and the TWIMS manufacturing knowledge we are positioned to give you the best opportunity to grow within the critical manufacturing eco-system.
Manufacturing Ambassador Scholarship
TWIMS is acutely aware of the complex operating environment facing South African based manufacturers and acknowledges that many deserving individuals are unable to pursue the GIBS MBA (manufacturing focus) due to financial constraints. In response to this challenge, TWIMS is honoured to offer such individuals the opportunity to apply for the Manufacturing Ambassador Scholarship.
As the result of a generous endowment from the Toyota South Africa Educational Trust, TWIMS will be able to fund up to 20 Manufacturing Ambassador scholarships annually. The scholarships will cover up to 70% of student tuition and global module expenses; and all residency costs at TWIMS during block release and exam periods.
That’s it for June. We have some exciting courses in the pipeline so keep an eye on your inbox for the latest TWIMS news!