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TWIMS Telegraph May 2020

by | Sep, 2020


“There is no education like adversity” – Benjamin Disraeli

In these extraordinary times it’s easy to feel overwhelmed and disoriented. Take a moment to remind yourself that you are doing your best and be thankful for the lessons we are learning. 


In the midst of the constant Covid news we received some results that made us smile. Our inaugural PGDip class obtained a 100% pass rate, all achieving more than 60% (needed to move onto the MBA). 

Special mention to 
Abdul Ganie Hassim – Top GIBS PGDip Student Overall
Trishna Misra – Top GIBS HR Strategy Student
Samantha Visagie and Abdul Ganie Hassim – Passed with distinction

We are incredibly proud of your achievements. 

Strategising for Disruptive Change

26, 29 May, 2, 5, 9, 12 June

In April TWIMS ran our first online course, Strategising for Disruptive Change, for a few of our close partners. Motivated by the success of our first attempt at online learning TWIMS is pleased to announce we will be opening the course to our whole community!

Taught over 3 weeks with 2 sessions each week, the course is free to any of our community members and you will receive a certificate of completion should you complete all the requirements. 

Virtual seats are limited and registration is essential 

Good News

Toyota South Africa Motors (TSAM) is helping support the local taxi industries fight against COVID-19 by donating more than R10 million worth of masks, sanitisers and COVID-19 awareness campaigns. 

As some employees return to our factories and offices it is fantastic to hear that TSAM are helping making travel safer for thousands in the manufacturing community and other industries. 

If you have some good news you would like to share with us write an email to

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