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TWIMS Telegraph December 2020

by | Jan, 2021

MBA Lecture

Thank you for 2020

We are in the home stretch, the final month of 2020. In a year that has been more difficult than most, we are especially thankful for your support.

“It’s easy to make a buck. It’s much tougher to make a difference.” 
-Tom Brokaw

We are proud to say that this year has seen our community continue to grow. Many of you were not here last year and seeing fresh faces in our (sometimes virtual) classrooms has been a pleasure. To our long-standing community members, thank you for putting up with dramatic changes in our schedule, course tweaks, and covid restrictions, your continued support has been amazing. 

To our staff and partner institutions, thank you for the effort and discipline you have shown this year. Despite the uncertainty, you continued to provide world-class service to our community. 

The year, however, is not over just yet…

MBA Applications Extended! 

This December TWIMS is gifting you an extension on the GIBS MBA application deadline. With the chaos of the end of the year manufacturing push, we understand that the application deadline might have just slipped away. Our applications now close on the 20th of Jan 2021.

Don’t miss your final chance to take your career to the next step with Africa’s #1 MBA.

2021 Short Courses

You spoke and we heard. Our popular 6 executive short courses have been tweaked for their 2021 editions, promising more value with the same high standard of learning you have come to expect from us. 

Full details and dates will be published in Jan along with an early bird discount offer, exclusively for our community. 

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