gtag('config', 'AW-781052735'); The Net-Zero Transition: What Does Decarbonization Mean For Your Business?
The transition to net-zero is a new reality that is facing many companies and more importantly many manufacturers. The global goal of net-zero by 2050 is still debated by many, but markets, coming regulations and taxes are showing that this is a topic that companies can no longer ignore. This TWIMS Masterclass considers how the manufacturing sector’s conventional ways of operating are going to be challenged by the rapid emergence of carbon border taxes, green regulations and ESG reporting frameworks. We will unpack what the implications of these changing regulations will be and how quickly they are going to be felt by the South African manufacturing sector.
The Masterclass will examine the pertinent issues surrounding the net-zero transition and will apply a range of strategic tools to help businesses understand how they should be positioning themselves and preparing their business models for the coming disruptions. Topics covered in the Masterclass will be the following:
The Masterclass will include an examination of case studies of organizations that have done well and are considered leaders in the net-zero transition space.
Senior manufacturing managers and executives and public-sector executives with manufacturing portfolios. The Masterclass will be taught at a post-graduate level.
The course is facilitated by Liesel Kassier, the Metair Head of Green Manufacturing at TWIMS. Liesel has worked in the sustainability sector for the past 15 years. She has a Development Finance Masters (Suma Cum Laude) completed in 2019 from the Frankfurt School of Finance and Management and a BCom Honours (Economics) completed cum laude from UKZN. Liesel is currently undertaking her PhD through a partnership between the University of Sussex and the University of Johannesburg and is focusing on developing a resilience indicator for organizations. Prior to joining TWIMS Liesel worked at the Council of Scientific & Industrial Research (CSIR) where she led a range of green and renewable energy research projects. Liesel has also worked in provincial government as a Green Economy specialist and chaired the Premier’s working group on Renewable Energy. In 2020 Liesel was a finalist in the REN21 Steve Sawyer Memorial global award for leading African individuals involved in Renewable Energy and was a panelist at the London Climate Action Week.
The Masterclass costs R4 260 per participant. This is fully inclusive of all refreshments, teas and includes lunch
over one day, as well as stationery. The cost excludes accommodation.
The Masterclass is run at the TWIMS campus, 74 Everton Road, Kloof. The day starts at 8:30 and concludes at 16:30. Accommodation is available on-site at an additional cost. Please visit the TWIMS website ( for further details.