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The Imperative for Green Manufacturing Practices

The Imperative for Green Manufacturing Practices

The global manufacturing sector faces a multifaceted challenge: balancing economic growth with environmental responsibility. A paradigm shift is taking place in manufacturing, with sustainable manufacturing practices no longer being a peripheral concern but a central...

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Women and Men Tackling Gender Transformation Together

Women and Men Tackling Gender Transformation Together

Gender transformation appears to be a hot topic in 2024 with an explosion of LinkedIn posts about women trailblazers and a fanfare of colourful coverage of gender inclusivity initiatives. While this spotlight is necessary, it tends to cast a shadow on the reality....

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Wheels in motion to upskill leadership

Wheels in motion to upskill leadership

The Toyota Wessels Institute for Manufacturing Studies (TWIMS) has set the wheels in motion for a leadership programme that is geared towards upskilling a diverse group of decision-makers in the Eastern Cape (EC) to positively impact the province’s manufacturing and...

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